The information in this blog is general, and is not a substitute for consulting with a lawyer concerning the facts and circumstances of your or a loved one’s case. Jurisdictions are not always consistent in the manner in which cases are processed and handled, and laws and procedures often change over time. For any legal matter, contact an experienced lawyer immediately.
Waiting to receive a court date is stressful. There are many instances in which a court date is in limbo, leaving the individual to question what to do next to avoid trouble down the road. Many choose to hire lawyers right away, which is an excellent way to protect themselves from unwanted surprises. However, hiring a lawyer may not immediately or always solve the problem.
There are many reasons for delay for criminal cases. One reason for delay that police officers many need additional time to conduct further investigations before issuing a ticket or seeking a warrant from a prosecutor’s office. In cases involving alleged drug possession, distribution, or driving while impaired by drugs a delay occurs in seeking confirmation from a laboratory as to the nature and the amount of the substance in question. The same is true for alleged drunk driving cases in which a blood draw occurs. It is not uncommon for laboratory delays to take months.